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Young Workers Centre YWC
News from young workers

Introduction to Campaigns Training Day

We’ve got the power! 



At the Young Workers Centre Training day that is– and I’m sure what the Pointer Sisters were referring to in their lesser known classic yet still a hit song.

On Saturday the 19th of March we held our first campaign training day for passionate young workers keen on making a difference.

Have you come along to a rally before? Signed a petition? Or my personal favourite argued with mates over to many bevvies about political or social issues?

If you care, don’t just argue – organise!

It’s not huge jump to run your own campaign and we want you to have the skills to be able really make a difference.

The campaign training day is a relaxed (and free) way for young workers, uni students, or passionate rabble rousers to learn heaps of new skills. We covered designing and creating a strategic campaign, organising conversations, knowing your rights at a protest and digital campaigning.

These skills mean you can turn your anger into social change and we want to help. On the day we workshopped issues like unpaid internships and young workers exploitation in franchises into campaigns that can be run by a small group – having goals, having a timeline and knowing how to get people on board! By lunch we had strategically thought out campaigns with messages and a clear target. These campaigns aren’t just empty messages either and will be shaped by the activists in the room to see out their goals!

Didn’t make it?? Don’t even stress - we will be running more training sessions in the future (including intermediate and advanced sessions!). Keep an eye on our calendar and Facebook page for more info!
