The Young Workers Centre Committee of Management is responsible for guiding the activity of the Legal Centre, ensuring it is well run and delivering the outcomes for which it has been set up. Our Committee of Management is made up of young people and representatives from unions, not-for-profits and those from legal and judiciary backgrounds.
Jessica Dawson-Field - Chair
Senior Associate in Maurice Blackburn’s Employment and Industrial Law practice. She has been a supporter of the Young Workers Centre since its inception in 2015
Amanda Threlfall - Secretary
Amanda is the Assistant Secretary of Victorian Trades Hall Council.
The Hon. Peter Gray
Peter retired after 29 years as a judge of the Federal Court of Australia in 2013. Previously, he practised as a barrister in Melbourne, covering a wide variety of areas, with a specialisation in industrial law. He has a Bachelor of Laws with First Class Honours from the University of Melbourne and a Bachelor of Civil Law from Oxford University. While a judge, Peter also served as a judge of the Industrial Relations Court of Australia, a Presidential Member of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, Aboriginal Land Commissioner, and a Deputy President of the National Native Title Tribunal.
In his retirement, he has pursued an interest in language issues in legal systems. He has completed a Master of Applied Linguistics at the University of New England and continues to teach and to publish in the field of forensic linguistics.
Daniel Nguyen
Daniel is currently employed with Homes Victoria leading reform projects to end homelessness. He has prior experience in the community legal sector, managing the Moonee Valley Legal Service and as a board member of the sector's peak body. He is passionate about working to contribute to movements to ensure a just and fair society to end workplace exploitation and insecurity.
Jess Downing
Before starting her current role at the United Workers Union, Jess spent 10+ years working as a chef. Issues like rampant sexual harassment and wage theft inspired her to become a union activist and, ultimately an organiser of young hospo workers to help fight these issues across the industry.
Phillipa Balk
Phillipa is a Lead Organiser with the Local Government division of the Australian Services Union Vic/Tas (ASU). Previously she was an Industrial Officer at ASU and was admitted to practice in 2018. Phillipa is passionate about supporting unionism and building the power of working people.
Leon Harper
Leon is a Senior Lawyer at the Portable Long Service Authority, administering Victoria's portable long service benefits scheme. Before moving to government, he was a solicitor at Young Workers Centre for four years. Leon cares deeply about helping young workers enforce their legal rights.
Darcy Moran (non-voting member)
Darcy became involved with YWC through its Student Advocate programme while studying his Bachelor of Laws. The Centre’s focus on the economic and civil rights of young people definitively reshaped his interest in law from criminal to employee advocacy and he now works as an industrial officer for ASMOF Victoria.