We've been building young worker power through the Log of Claims, and it's time to put that power into action for our next campaign, about apprenticeship rights!
Last year approximately 50 young workers, just like you, built a Log of Claims. The Log of Claims is a list of demands that young workers will take action on to campaign for a fairer, safer Victoria for all young workers. We're fighting for good, clean, secure jobs, roofs over heads and an education and healthcare system that helps young workers get ahead.
It's been too long since we've been together in person! We figured it was time to get together again, so we're meeting up to plan!
What: Log of Claims Planning Forum
When: 2pm-4pm Thursday 15th April
Where: Solidarity Hall, Victorian Trades Hall Council, 53 Victoria St, Carlton, 3053
Due to COVID RSVPs are essential to ensure we have a spot for you!