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Young Workers Centre YWC
News from young workers


The Young Workers Centre welcomes the Australian Council of Trade Unions' comprehensive jobs plan to steer economy recovery in Australia, putting young workers and their economic future at the forefront.

ABS job figures released last week showed the number of Victorian 15-24-year-olds who are unemployed has leapt from 14.1% to 16.5% in the space of a month.

Young workers require urgent targeted support. They need certainty about their economic future which means secure jobs and education opportunities for all.

The ACTU's plan would see over a million secure jobs created. This is welcome news for young workers who are vastly overrepresented in insecure, casualised work.

In particular, the Free TAFE program supporting 150,000 places would give young people the opportunity to train or re-train for a secure career.

Government investment in jobs and training must be a priority to stimulate the Australian economy. Young people are the most impacted by recessions, with the effects having the potential to last a lifetime. If the Morrison Government fails to implement a meaningful jobs and training plan, a whole generation will be left behind when we emerge from the pandemic.

Quotes attributable to Felicity Sowerbutts, Director of Young Workers Centre:

"We welcome the ACTU's call for a Government led National Economic Reconstruction plan. Building ongoing jobs and creating more training and education opportunities that will lead to a better path out of this economic crisis for young workers."

"The current job figures for young workers are dire and are made worse by the recent second lockdown. Young workers should not bear the brunt of the economic burden of recovery. The Morrison Government needs to step up now to ensure young workers are protected."

"This plan is an opportunity to invest in young people and their future, and to make sure that this generation is not left behind when we emerge from the pandemic."


Media contact: Kate Shuttleworth, Victorian Trades Hall Council Communications Lead: 0447 418 726, [email protected] 
