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Young Workers Centre YWC
Young Workers Collective Meeting!

March 20, 2019 6pm - 8pm

Young Workers Collective Meeting!

Young unionists are meeting at Trades Hall from 6pm to work together to fight for economic justice for young workers! 

Come to a meeting to learn about upcoming events and campaigns, and to take action by building and coordinating campaign actions with other activists. 

Whether you're a union delegate or fresh activist, come along and find out how we can build young worker community power, and take action to build a fairer future. 

RSVP to attend Young Workers Collective Meeting. 

Some snacks provided. 

Call or SMS 0422 124 093 for any extra details or questions. 

Victorian Trades Hall
54 Victoria St
Melbourne, Victoria 3053
Google map and directions
Will you come?
How many people are you bringing?