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Young Workers Centre YWC
Worker Win: Apprentice Baker

21 year old Kevin*, an Apprentice Baker, won back wage theft of around $14,000! *name has been changed

Kevin worked for the same employer throughout his apprenticeship of around four years. He experienced significant wage theft and was underpaid at every rate: significant overtime; Night shifts, early morning shifts; Weekends and public holidays.

YWC Legal Action:

It was very close to the 6 year limitation period when the matter came to us but we were able to do complex wage theft calculations of the extensive overtime and Award definition of ordinary hours of work (not exceeding 152 hours in 28 consecutive days) and through the application of multiple different shift-work rates. We were able to figure this out by reconstructing his hours week by week from Kevin’s rosters and ended up recovering around $14,000 – the full amount owed!